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Nova Scotia, Canada

Birthday Ticker!

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This morning I woke up with the feeling of fall. I was wrapped up in my blankets with the chillyness all around me.  Soon I will have to close the windows and my cats will have to find a new favorite place to lay.  We will see how this turns out. 

Yesterday I was looking though pics of my babies, trying to find good ones to put on my new blog.  I found ones of sage when we first got her.  She was so tiny, so bright eyed.  What happened? hehe

Here is one of the very few times Sage and Fizz laid together. So innocent. 

For now its a some what quiet day.  We will see what the day has to bring later.  :]

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