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Nova Scotia, Canada

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Holy long time no seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've missed all of you!! Momma has been working and just couldn't keep up with the blogs!!! But every once in a while she gets that urge to start back up again.. and we of course try and encourage that!!

 Oh hey, I just woke up from a nap
Is anyone out there still following us?

Wha.. what? Whats going on?


  1. WE'RE HERE! Good to hear from you! Lots been goin on, but more now that you're here. Hope to see more of your cute faces. xoxo

  2. Oh, yes, we're still around! We hope all is well at your end. We understand "busy" humans. We might not like it, but we understand it! :-)

    Around the Cat Blogosphere, May was one of the worst months ever (if not the worst, period) for sickness and passings, so you've not missed a lot of fun and happy stuff, generally speaking.

  3. Your human is a blog slacker! Tell her she needs to keep us updated on your doings! That is way more important than anything else she has on her plate.

  4. Hello! Sometimes Moms are just the WORST attending to our needs...but as long as we get fed and scooped and loved...we guess we can let it slide.

  5. Of course we're still following you! It's nice to see you again. Don't worry about all of us ... we understand that life gets busy sometimes. :)

    Have a great day.

  6. Good to see you again. Glad you are okay.


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