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Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Mischief

Well, the week starts again with another Monday! Here's a video for Monday Mischief! 

I already showed you the pic of me in the box behind the chair, well, dad decided to take a video as well! 

Enjoy your week everyone! Purrs from Me and Fizz! Oh and Mom too of course! 


  1. Is your dad ruining your good time by giving away your hiding spot? :-D

  2. That WAS a good hiding spot! You're a very pretty girl, Fage!

  3. You look very comfy there!!!

  4. You have such a nice spot there...and then you got discovered! Rats.

    Say, we saw you asked about the ESS at the Fraidy Cats, it's an S-shaped toy (on it's side) with carpet and sisal on it. Mommy got ours at Wally world for about $15. We LOVE it!

  5. Yow! you were really hidden back there, Sage! That looks like a great hidey spot!

    About the Ess, it's a scratcher. We Googled 'ESS scratcher' and got a lot of hits on various kitty blogs, mol! We think they are really called a wave scratcher but they are an ess-shaped floor style scratcher.

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

  6. Well, we guess you're gonna hafta find a new hiding spot, Sage!!

  7. Fancy having your hiding place shown on film - your Dad needs a whap from the paw of doom.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. Our mama is Barney's secretary....(Barney who founded the Naughty Kitty Club) and we want to answer your comment on the NKC blog asking how to become a naughty kitty.........on the upper left in the sidebar of the NKC, it explains how to become a naughty kitty member.....we are looking forward to you joining.

    We would also love to have you visit our blog......we are two senior kitties with a new young sisfur...and it's quite an adjustment for us....we have become "grouchy old mancats"!!!!!!

  9. That was a great hidey spot, Sage. Of course, now that your dad let everyone know about it ... not so much. :)

    Have a great day, friends!

  10. Oh that is a good place to hide!


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