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Monday, January 3, 2011

Woman Cat Monday

Its Monday and Mom is still home.  She got an extra day off, where new years fell on the weekend.  Purrs :] Makes us happy! But, she still has a bit of a cold :[ So, not so great! 

Mom cant remember whos blog she saw it on, they made little rings out of paper towel tubes?  Well, dad made me some last night! They are fun to wap around the living room! :] Mom got some shots of me playing!

Waiting patiently for fun?

Sometimes I just get really silly!

Oh, cardboard!


I think I losted it! :[

Cool move!

Taking a breather

Back in action!

Close up, WAP WAP!
Mom would like to thank who ever had this posted on their blog! :]


  1. Those look like great fun! We'll have to get our mom to "make" us some too -- she usually just recycles the cardboard tubes!

    Have you tried fuzzy pipe cleaners? Derry loves them! He got a package of 40 for $1 for Christmas. :-D

  2. I want some pipe-cleaners, but mom is worried about the ends.. sometimes they are pointy and poky. she doesn't want me to get injured of course!

  3. Ooooh, I want some paper rings. Muuuuuuuuuum

  4. Ooooh, I want some paper rings. Muuuuuuuuuum

  5. Those look like a lot of fun. Mom accidentally dropped a green grape on the floor and we all ran all over the house chasing it ... that was a lot of fun too.


  6. Those look like fun, we will request some right away!
    We have pipe cleaner rings, Mommy just turns the ends back and twists them tight. We've all been safe so far...like years. So you should try them, they totally ROCK!

  7. Aren't the paper rings fun?! Sometimes our mom wonders why she even buys toys! You look like you are having a blast - love the last close up! We like the pipe cleaners too and our mom just bends the ends over so the pokey part doesn't stick out. Try it!

    Pip, Smidgen, MInnie, and Hollie


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