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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Easy Sunday

Hope everyone had a great christmas and that Santa Paws found them alright.  Mom is now off and can spend some time with us for the next 3 days! :D  I may be a little slack in posting for the next bit, as we are enjoying having mom home, and spending time with her.  

Again, Merry Christmas to all our friends out there! :D


  1. We hope you had a great Chrismous too! Have fun in the next days!
    Pip, Smidgen, MInnie,and Hollie

  2. Enjoy your Mom and have some wonderful snuggles. And snax. Don't forget the snax!

  3. That's great thing about Christmas, Our mom stay with us more extra days : )

    Enjoy the Holiday Season, my dear : )


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