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Nova Scotia, Canada

Birthday Ticker!

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Cat tickers

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fizz Friday

Human Ma- For anyone that would like to try make a GIF thingy, like in our last page, check it out here > GIF Creater

And now, its mine turn! Fizz here. Its a nice sunny day outside! Great start for a Fizz Friday.  Human Ma is leaving us to go visit her ma and pa and nephew this weekend.. so I guess we will be left out of this trip. Oh well, we will spend the time sleeping, and also a little running around just to keep human dad on his toes!

Oh hi ma!

Why thank you, I love being told im gorgeous..

Ok, thats enough ma..go to your parents and leave us here.....
Have a great FRIDAY!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Think,thought,thunk.. whats going on in my head today?  Since it was just labor day.. and your not spose to wear white after labor day... what about all the white kitties?! *GASP* I say.. SCREW THE RULES! Oh, sorry for my out burst! :]

Hey, check out this thing my pa made for me!

you should see 3 pics of me! Let me know if it worked for you!

Hey, the weekends almost here! Does everyone have plans!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

What? Oh.. right.. blog..

So yea its labor day here in canada..

*Yawn* We are just taking it easy today!
Hope you all had a great labor day weekend!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fizz Friday

Fizz here.. with the 100th post! Yippie! To celebrate here are just some random, cute pics of us! :D

You can see me? How? Im hiding behind this pole!

"People" tv.. lots of people walk by this street.. sometimes they even come to the window to greet me!

What? Its going to be too cold to come outside soon??

Im just gonna rest up a bit, down here, on the floor.
Happy Friday friends!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Im thinking:

Hey, your behind on blogging.. AND commenting!

Im Busy playing with this!!
Sorry friends!

Following me!